About JacobsonMinnesota.com

JacobsonMinnesota.com was created by Subschema, a web analytics and tagging consulting firm, for one reason: we love the Jacobson Minnesota area. We want to contribute to the community in the only way we know how: through digital. One of the founding partners of Subschema grew up 35 miles northeast of Jacobson and became enamored by the hamlet on countless trips up north, driving through with family, to visit friends and relatives near the area.

Below is the current mission statement and core values for the website. We welcome any and all feedback. Contact us with your questions and ideas.

Mission Statement

"Celebrate Jacobson Minnesota's natural surroundings, people, business, and unique history while fostering local engagement and providing a valuable resource for residents and visitors alike."

Core Values

  • We celebrate Jacobson's natural beauty and quirky lawn ornaments scattered throughout the town
  • We encourage participation and interaction among residents and visitors through the website's content and features
  • We aim to position the website as a central hub for information, news, events, and resources relevant to the community


  • Showcase local business and unique features in the area and surrounding region
  • Gather feedback and collaborate with others for the benefit of Jacobson and Ball Bluff Township
  • Provide occasional pro bono digital consulting and advice for local organizations in the area to bolster the community


  • Content and media on website pages
  • Embedded surveys
  • Contact form for questions and feedback
  • Business profiles
  • Interactive maps, weather, and directions